Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Jakarta, back then


Around two or three weeks ago, i found this page called 'Indonesia Tempo Dulu' on Facebook. Basically, what they are doing is posting some vintage photos & postcards of cities around Indonesia from the late 19th century to the late 80s. What i like is that on this page you can see how Indonesia, especially Jakarta was meant to be very decent from the side of transportation and city plan. Even in the '90s (since i was born in '87), I was able to witness some greatness that Jakarta had back then. Still green, people are cool, but somehow, our beloved city turns out to be extremely chaotic nowadays. What happened, really?

Check out these beautiful imageries of Jakarta, below, or head to Indonesia Tempo Dulu, here.


Pasar Tanah Abang

Prestasi a.k.a. President Taxi

Double Decker from Perum PPD


Movie Ad from 1971


To Bundaran HI

Volkswagen dealer near Monas selling Combis? So Retro

Pictures via Indonesia Tempo Dulu

Wait, i'm not done yet, i also found some pictures of Jakarta in the 90s quite a while ago on some online forum. Here are the pictures.
SCBD in the making 


Semanggi Aerial Photo 


Bundaran HI 


Hilton Jakarta in the making

If you're looking for much older photos of Jakarta, click here.

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