Denial Denim is a Jogjakarta-based denim company that founded in early 2010. For their 2010 release, Denial Denim has chosen environment and animals as their inspiration.

"Animal Series #1. Denial Denim, a denim brand that have concern the environment, the theme of animal as form appreciation for the life of animals. Use animal product wisely! Save endangered animals!"

One thing that lost me is why do they use Wood and Leather material for a product that says "save environment and animals".
here is what they said about that :
"we just confirm why we still use wood and leather. our concept just remind other to back to nature and appreciate our enviroment. Utilize material from nature wisely.Wisely is defined as use of natural resources with responsibility and an appropriate portion, then natural ecosystems and animal populations are also not disturbed. Do not engage in illegal logging or poaching! Utilize of nature with responsibility, because nature and human beings need each other and profitable.
So, we just use WOOD RESIDUAL and leather residual from furniture industry in Jepara.in jepara also do selective logging system and use leather from stockbreeding.
then, what we do not disturb enviroment because we do in right way. Hopefully this reason can give a new perception about the themes that we picked up. Utilize from chemical like plastic can destroy the enviroment ASAP, so we just get something can be recycle. so, utilize from nature wisely isnt a violation.we also keep life of rare plants and endangered animals .stop global warming with your WISE behavior"
My final opinion is their products are awesome and the packaging is dope.

For more information just log on to their facebook page,